Sunday Worship Schedule


Fall, Winter, & Spring Schedule 

9:30 am Christian instruction for all ages

10:45 am Worship with Holy Communion

Summer months schedule

Beginning June 9th

9:30 am Worship with Holy Communion

Service times on Feast Days

Christmas Eve 7:30pm

Christmas Morning 10 am @ Logos Lutheran

Ash Wednesday 7:30 pm

Holy Thursday 7:30 pm

Good Friday 7:30 pm

Easter Vigil Saturday 8 pm

Easter Sunday 10:45 am

Where the Word of God and the Sacraments of Christ create saving faith in Jesus

We believe, teach and confess that Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, died on the cross for the sins of the world, that all might be saved through him.  According to Holy Scripture, we trust this promise in Christ is God’s once-for-all answer to the problem of evil in ourselves and our world.

St. John, established in 1848, is one of the oldest congregations in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, a conservative Christian body who trace their theology and practice through the 16th century Reformation to the faith of the early Church as recorded once for all in Holy Scripture.

Authentic Christian Worship

The Liturgy at St. John enjoys a fine adornment of musical accompaniment, including a full choral program, real pipes in the organ, and the occasional blessings of grand piano, brass, harp, and vocal solos.  If you have never used a hymnal before, don’t worry.  It’s alright to just sit and listen the first time you visit.  As much as we love music at St. John, it’s not about our voices, it’s about the Words we get to hear.

A new church in the heart of Philadelphia

The first words of St John’s gospel are “In the beginning was the Word”. We support a new congregation forming in center city called Logos Lutheran. Logos is Greek for word. You can learn more about the congregation at